The Shared Services Center.

For cooperatives, mutuals and NPOs

The Consortium, in short.

  • A solidarity cooperative operating for non-profit purposes since 2011
  • Shared Services Center for Co-operatives, Mutuals and Non-Profit Organization
  • 20 fields of expertise and 50 professionals available to sustain and develop organization
  • Daily interventions throughout the province

Collective Enterprises?


Whether it is a cooperative, a mutual or a non-profit organization with commercial activities, the collective enterprise – or social economy – is defined by its status and the rules and principles who accompany it: social mission and profits reinvested in the company or the collectivity, democratic governance for and by the members, collective property and management autonomy from the State.

We Do.

Distinguishes Us.

The Values That
Drive Us.


an added value.


ressources and service offers.


to the professional image, without compromising the proximity of your service.


the costs of expert advice.

An offer of services in line with your needs.

The Consortium belongs to its users

A lasting impact for collective enterprises.

The expertise of the Consortium grows with each mandate for the benefit of the following ones

An organization that exists for and by other organizations.

The Consortium is a team player: it completes, but does not replace, the services offered by its members

Experts who collaborate.

Interdisciplinarity enriches the quality of our interventions

Professionals available for your projects.

The Consortium’s professionals are permanent members of our team

Pricing focused on accessibility.

The services of the Consortium are offered at the right cost


act with integrity and rigor


create a relationship of trust and fairness with members 


to inspire and draw from collective enterprises


enhance cooperation as a driving force


offer adapted services at the right cost


be aware of its impact

"We are proud to bear the Concilivi seal of approval, which shows a great evolution in the world of work"

The Consortium has two addresses,
but interventions throughout Quebec


Quebec City office
155 Charest East, Suite 120
Quebec City, QC. G1K 3G6

Montreal office
630, Sherbrooke West, suite 301
Montreal, QC. H3A 1E4

418 622-1001

Monday to Friday
8:30am to 4:30pm

Follow us!

Identification commune pour toutes les entreprises de l'économie sociale. Logo ÉS.